Take Global Civil Society Survey to Help UN Prepare for Special Session on Drugs

    As part of preparation for the United Nations General Assembly’s Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in April 2016, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are being asked to participate in a survey.

    The Special Session, to be held April 19-21, 2016, is a significant opportunity to hold a global, in-depth discussion on drugs.

    With the support of the United Nations, the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and the New York NGO Committee on Drugs joined forces to launch the Civil Society Task Force for the UNGASS 2016. The task force is designed to secure civil society engagement and coordination in order to effectively include NGO voices in the UNGASS.

    This UNGASS 2016 Global Civil Society Survey is designed to provide an initial assessment on the civil society work in the field of drugs, as well as to measure the awareness and level of knowledge and interest in participating actively at the UNGASS 2016 initiative at the regional and global levels. The results will provide an overview of the work of NGOs active in the drug field, areas of expertise, key priorities and concerns to be addressed, and best practices.

    Completing the survey should take no longer than 30 minutes. It will provide invaluable information to bring to global policy makers at the United Nations for the UNGASS preparation and beyond.


    April 2015