Marijuana Legalization Measures Pass in Portland, Maine and Three Michigan Cities

    Portland, Maine and three Michigan cities have approved measures that legalize the possession of marijuana, the Seattle Post Intelligencer reports.

    In Portland, voters approved an initiative that legalizes the recreational use of marijuana by adults 21 years or older, who can possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana. Portland is now the first city on the East Coast to legalize marijuana.

    The measure bans recreational use in public spaces, school grounds or on transportation infrastructure. The Portland Press Herald reports 67 percent of voters favored the measure. Landlords can prohibit tenants from using marijuana on their property. The initiative does not legalize the sale or purchase of marijuana, but allows adults 21 or older to “engage in activities for the purposes of ascertaining the possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.”

    The Michigan cities of Lansing, Jackson and Ferndale approved the legalization of the use or possession of up to one ounce of marijuana on private property by adults 21 or older.


    November 2013