Naval Bases Cut Back Sale Hours for Alcohol in Attempt to Reduce Sexual Assaults

    The United States Navy announced it is cutting back the sale hours for alcohol at base stores, in an effort to reduce sexual assaults, The Washington Times reports. The Navy is also making changes to its policy about alcohol placement in stores.

    Liquor will only be sold at main exchanges or at dedicated liquor stores, and alcohol displays and merchandise in stores other than liquor stores will take up no more than 10 percent of the retail floor space, according to a news release.

    Navy exchange stores will also make single-use alcohol detection devices available to customers. All of the changes will take place within the next 90 days.

    Currently, larger stores on some bases sell alcohol until the early morning hours, Admiral Jonathan Greenert said at a Pentagon press briefing. “We are finding that somewhere between six out of 10 and seven out of 10 sexual assaults as reported involves alcohol, the majority … they’re alcohol-fueled,” he noted.

    Earlier this year, the Navy announced it would begin conducting random blood-alcohol tests on sailors in February. The Navy said it would use the tests to determine whether a sailor is fit for duty, or may need counseling.


    July 2013