Commentary: Rx Summit Features More Than 120 Presenters

    More than 120 presenters are set to lead a national discussion about ways to “Make An Impact” on the prescription drug abuse epidemic when the 2013 National Rx Drug Abuse Summit convenes in Florida April 2-4.

    I am thrilled at the exceptional caliber of presenters assembled for this conference by the Summit’s National Advisory Board. The quality of their presentations is reflected in our ability to offer multiple continuing education credits for medical professionals (physicians, nurses and pharmacists), social workers, attorneys, addiction and prevention specialists, human resources, criminal justice and insurance professionals.

    Operation Unite- National Rx Drug Abuse Summit 2013There is still time for you to add your voice to the more than 800 conference attendees from across the United States who will collaborate on impactful solutions at local, state and national levels through timely and data-driven data about the prescription drug abuse crisis.

    In addition to an outstanding line-up of keynote speakers – Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Thomas Frieden, National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Director Frances Harding, Drug Enforcement Administration Diversion Control Deputy Assistant Administrator Joseph Rannazzisi, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America Chairman/CEO Gen. Arthur Dean, Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Dr. John Dreyzehner, Coalition Against Insurance Fraud Executive Director Dennis Jay and Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney John Niedermann – the Summit features:

    • 30 breakout sessions grouped into educational tracks (law enforcement, education/advocacy, clinical, treatment, pharmacy and third-party payer). These sessions will be led by professionals from many disciplines on the frontline of efforts to prevent, mitigate and respond to prescription drug abuse issues.

    • Nine workshops on three important focus areas: U.S. military, prescription drug monitoring programs and successful strategies for community change.

    • Eight vision sessions offering in-depth examination of innovative programs and strategies from organizations and businesses deeply involved in the fight against Rx abuse and diversion.

    • Four idea exchange sessions providing an interactive discussion on issues pertaining to the Appalachian region, neonatal abstinence syndrome and addiction among teens.

    • A panel discussion featuring five members of the bi-partisan Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse. Learn what actions are currently being taken in Congress.

    For information about the Summit visit, or follow news about the event at,, or Questions may be directed to Eric Rice at 606-657-3218 or

    Karen Kelly


    March 2013