Thieves Steal Prescription Drugs From Medicine Cabinets in Open Houses

    Prescription drug thieves are stealing from medicine cabinets during open houses, ABC News reports.

    Home sellers usually lock up valuables such as jewelry, electronics and personal information, but often don’t think of securing their medicine cabinets. A San Diego realtors’ group is warning homeowners about these thefts. “The take away here is common sense,” Anthony Manolatos of the Greater San Diego Association of Realtors told ABC News. “When an agent is showing your home and you’re not there, take your valuables with you or lock them in a safe.”

    The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has observed this trend. “Stealing drugs from open houses is indeed a technique drug thieves use to obtain controlled substance prescription drugs,” said the DEA’s Barbara Carreno. She said drugs stolen during open houses include opioid painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, ADHD drugs, Xanax and Valium.

    DEA enforcement groups, called tactical diversion squads, have found drugs on the black market that have been stolen during open houses, Carreno added.


    January 2013