Boston Law Enforcement Sees New Synthetic Drugs Despite Federal Ban

    Law enforcement officials in the Boston areas report spotting new synthetic drugs, whose makers are figuring out ways to get around a federal ban on the substances.

    Last summer, President Obama signed legislation that bans synthetic drugs. The law outlaws harmful chemicals in synthetic drugs such as those used to make synthetic marijuana and bath salts. Dealers are changing their formulations to skirt the ban, CBS Boston reports.

    One loophole that manufacturers use is to mark the products “not for human consumption,” so the Food and Drug Administration cannot have control over them, one undercover detective told the news station. A former narcotics officer noted the synthetic drugs are easy to obtain online, and can be purchased in head shops near college campuses.

    Boston police are starting to see a new synthetic drug called “Bizzaro,” and are on the lookout for another drug known as “Smiles,” which has been reported in New York and southern New England.


    January 2013