Changes to State Alcohol Policies Available Online

    The Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) has updated its list of state alcohol policies to reflect substantive changes that occurred last year. The list is available online.

    APIS, a project by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, covers topics including taxation, underage drinking, retail sales, alcohol control systems, pregnancy and alcohol, blood alcohol concentration limits, transportation, and health care services and financing.

    Many of the state policy changes are consistent with the goal of reducing underage drinking and its consequences, as well as the goal of reducing alcohol-related death and injury in the general population, according to APIS.

    Changes to state alcohol policies include an increase in Connecticut’s excise taxes for beer, wine and distilled spirits; Mississippi’s prohibition against hosting underage drinking parties; Montana’s mandatory beverage service training; and Arkansas’ adoption of mandatory reporting requirements regarding alcohol and pregnancy for health care and social workers.


    November 2012