Letter From the Editor: Thank You

    Thank you for being part of the Join Together community as we celebrate our first anniversary.

    I am extraordinarily grateful to be part of this experience. I was a longtime subscriber of the Boston University School of Public Health’s Join Together news service before our collaboration to make it part of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids in 2011, and always admired their editorial content and advocacy efforts. We strive to uphold this legacy.

    Over the past year, we have worked tirelessly to provide you with the top daily drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction prevention and treatment news that affects you and your community, including exclusive expert commentaries and high-quality feature articles. In case you missed any of our top news stories, I invite you to read some here:

    A Place at the Table: Master’s Degree Not Necessary

    Medical Group Calls Addiction Brain Disorder, Not Behavior Problem

    Dual Diagnosis: The Status of Treating Co-Occurring Disorders in The U.S.

    Opioid Addiction Treatment and the Criminal Justice System

    Does Anonymity Fit Into Recovery in the Social Media Era?

    Combining Energy Drinks with Alcohol More Dangerous Than Drinking Alcohol Alone

    Nike Pulls “Dope” and “Get High” T-Shirts From Boston Window Display

    While it’s a privilege to provide you with this free resource, we need your help. Knowledge is power and we want to educate individuals nationwide with our vital information. Please invite your friends, family, teachers, coaches, clergy members and anyone or group you think would benefit to sign up for our Join Together Daily or Weekly eNewsletter at drugfree.org/enewsletters.

    Help us enhance and expand Join Together services and reinstate the Treatment Research Bulletin and Continuing Education Program by choosing to make a gift of $15, $20, $30 or more.

    Please make your tax-deductible contribution here.

    I hope you will consider getting involved today, and stay with us and thousands more to celebrate Join Together’s second anniversary in 2013.

    Thank you,

    Candice Besson, Join Together Managing Editor


    April 2012