Obama Announces Intent to Nominate New Deputy Director for ONDCP

    President Obama this past week announced his intent to nominate Michael P. Botticelli as Deputy Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy.

    Botticelli is currently the Director of the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services in the Massachusetts Department of Health (MDPH). Since 1994, when he joined MDPH, he served as Chief of Staff of the MDPH Commissioner’s Office from 2000-2003, Assistant Director for Policy and Planning within the HIV/AIDS Bureau from 1996-2000, Contract Manager in the HIV/AIDS Bureau from 1995-1996, and Alcoholism Program Coordinator within the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services from 1994-1995.

    Obama also announced his intent to appoint two others to key Administration posts. He said in a statement, “These dedicated and accomplished individuals will be valued additions to my administrations as we tackle the important challenges facing America. I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”


    January 2012