Virtual Seminars on Preventing Dangers of AEDs and Underage Drinking

    The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC), part of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, is offering national electronic seminars to assist states and local communities in their efforts to enforce drinking age laws, prevent youth drinking, and “significantly reduce harmful consequences associated with alcohol use by underage youth.”

    The seminars include audio- and web-conferencing (for those with an internet connection).

    The next workshop — called “Alcohol Energy Drinks: They Pack a Killer Punch!” — will be held Thurs., Feb. 24, from 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm EST.

    UDETC invites state and community leaders to participate and find out what others are doing to limit youth access to alcohol and prevent the injuries associated with consumption of alcoholic energy drinks (AEDs).

    To register or learn more about UDETC seminars, visit:



    February 2011