Nominations Sought for Leading Innovations in Behavioral Healthcare Services

    Washington, D.C. — Behavioral healthcare organizations who are leading the way with innovative approaches to management and process improvement have an opportunity to be recognized as leading innovators with the first ever iAward.

    Sponsored by Washington, D.C.-based State Associations of Addiction Services (SAAS) and NIATx, based at the University of Wisconsin, the 2010 Innovation in Behavioral Healthcare Services Awards highlights innovations in process improvement practices that position an organization to meet the challenges of future service delivery.

    The iAwards aim to provide national recognition of agencies that are using innovative approaches and provides a venue for them to share how they have adapted to meet the changing needs of clients, staff and the addiction healthcare field.

    To be eligible for the iAward, provider organizations, coalitions, or state, county or local government payors/agencies must have developed and implemented an innovative practice in either management or process improvement within the previous three years. Innovations may be evidence-based or a best/promising practice and should be a new practice or an adaptation of a current practice.

    This award is limited to entities engaged in addiction treatment and recovery services. Other behavioral healthcare organizations are eligible if the innovations relate to services integrated directly with treatment and/or recovery, e.g., co-occurring disorders, criminal justice, child welfare, primary healthcare. This could also include organizations that have implemented recovery-oriented systems.

    Up to ten awards recognizing innovations in management and process improvement will be presented. Examples of areas in which innovations have occurred include (but are not limited to): workforce development, client access to treatment, client engagement /retention in treatment, continuity of care, staff engagement and retention, creative funding models, performance management, and community engagement.

    Awards will be presented at the 2010 SAAS National Conference/ NIATx Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 11–14, 2010. All expenses for travel and registration will be covered for one representative for each award.

    Deadline for submissions is March 1, 2010. For more information or to nominate your organization, download the award nomination form at


    February 2010