iPhone App for 12-Steppers Developed

    A new application program for the Apple iPhone connects people in recovery with a support network of peers in the 12-step community, About.com reported Oct. 27.

    “The ann-e app provides a vehicle for a safe and anonymous way to stay connected with other recovering addicts, no matter where you are,” according to the application’s inventor. “Whether you’ve missed your plane, at a conference, walking down the aisle of a big box store, or in your own backyard, there is someone not far from you who will understand and anonymously support you to do the next right thing.”

    The application allows users to register their affiliation with a 12-step program and create an anonymous user name. Users who want to be available to help others can list themselves as “on call,” and will be notified when other users need help. Communication starts with text messages but can be moved to a voice conference.

    Users also can exchange contact information with others they trust so they can stay in contact. GPS technology lets users know if others on the ann-e network are nearby in case they need a face-to-face meeting. The application also can provide the location of local 12-step meetings.

    The application costs $4.99 and is available from the iPhone App Store.


    November 2009