SAMHSA Grants Support Transitional Service for Addicted Offenders

    Programs that help people with addictions make the transition from prison back to the community and continue their recovery have been awarded a total of $28.7 million by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

    The three-year grants went to programs that provide addiction treatment and related support services to juvenile and adult offenders. “Organizations receiving funding under the Offender Reentry Program are expected to plan, develop and provide a successful transition from incarceration to community-based substance abuse treatment and recovery support services for people in need, beginning in the correctional or juvenile facilities — before release,” according to a SAMHSA grant announcement.

    Each of the 24 awardees will receive up to $400,000 annually. For a full list of the grant recipients, see the SAMHSA website.


    October 2009