Programs Combining Soccer, Anti-Drug Programming Can Apply for Grants

    The United States Soccer Foundation's 2010 Program and Field Grants provides funding, equipment, and services for soccer programs in the U.S., and is particularly interested in funding organizations that incorporate a youth-development elements such as anti-violence, drug prevention, and healthy lifestyles into their programs.

    In addition to synthetic-field building projects, grants will be awarded to projects and programs that develop players, coaches, and referees in economically disadvantaged urban areas encompassing populations of 50,000 or more.

    Program grants are available for projects that do not contain a construction element. Eligible expenses include uniforms, player and team equipment, games and practice travel costs, facility rental costs, registration costs, and coach and referee training fees.

    Applications for the 2010 grants are due Oct. 30. For more information, see the USSF website.


    October 2009