CSAP Awards $190 Million in Strategic Framework Grants

    Twenty-five programs nationally will receive awards totaling $190 million over five years as part of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention’s (CSAP) Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grants program.

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced July 24 that the grants to community-based prevention programs will be used to conduct needs assessments, build state and local capacity; develop comprehensive strategic plans, implement evidence-based prevention policies, programs and practices; and monitor and evaluate program effectiveness.

    “Our goal is to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors to help Americans live healthier, longer lives,” said SAMHSA Acting Administrator Eric Broderick. “These new grants are built on a community-based risk and protective factors approach to prevention. For example, family conflict, low school readiness, and poor social skills increase the risk for delinquency and violence.  Protective factors such as strong family bonds, social skills, opportunities for school success, and the involvement in community activities can foster resilience and mitigate the influence of risk factors. The goal of this grant program is to create and sustain community-based, science-informed approaches to support young people in their effort to live healthier, longer lives.”

    Grantees will receive up to $2.135 million annually for five years. A full list of grantees is available at the link above. 


    August 2009