Research Grants on Drugs and AIDS

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Nursing Research will make awards under the R01 and R21 research grant protocols to fund studies that identify the role that drug abuse plays in fueling the HIV/AIDS epidemic in vulnerable groups, including racial/ethnic minorities, men who have sex with men, and youth.

    Grants also can be used to develop effective interventions to prevent new HIV/AIDS infections and improve the health of individuals living with the disease.

    Funding supports studies to understand the contribution of drug abuse (both injection and non-injection) to the acquisition and/or transmission of HIV; study disease progression and disease outcomes; develop and/or improve prevention and treatment interventions; and address organizational, structural, and/or community level factors including social, drug-using, and sexual networks.

    The HIV/AIDS, Drug Use, and Vulnerable Populations in the US R01 and R21 grants are available to nonprofits, for-profit entities, government agencies and others.

    Application deadline is Sept. 7. For more details, see the full R01 and R21 grant announcements online.


    July 2009