MADD, Century Council Split Over Drunk-Driving Penalties

    Clashing over penalties for first-time drunk driving offenses, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has severed its relationship with the alcohol-industry funded Century Council, the Wall Street Journal reported June 9.

    MADD officials said that the Century Council violated a pledge to remain neutral and instead fought against MADD-backed state legislation that would impose tougher penalties for drunk-driving first offenders. MADD also asserted that the Century Council has overemphasized initiatives targeting repeat drunk-driving offenders at the expense of programs aimed at the broader problem of drinking and driving (read MADD’s letter, PDF).

    MADD demanded that its logo be removed from the Century Council website and other materials. “When they get in the way of our efforts to get the drunk drivers off the road, we get deeply offended,” said MADD CEO Chuck Hurley.

    “Given the fact that we have the same end goal in mind, it’s unfortunate that we are having a debate over tactics,” replied Ralph Blackman, head of the Century Council.  


    June 2009