OJJDP FY 09 Gang Prevention Youth Mentoring Program

    Nonprofits, government agencies, schools and others may apply for the OJJDP FY 09 Gang Prevention Youth Mentoring Program.

    “OJJDP seeks applicants to establish mentoring programs that offer a mixture of core services (such as life skills and psycho-educational training, mental-health counseling, job placement, community-service projects, and structured after-school recreational, educational, and artistic/culturally enhancing activities) and engage youth with activities that enable them to practice healthy behaviors within a positive pro-social peer group,” according to the grant announcement. “The target population should be youth at risk of gang activity, delinquency, and youth violence. This program should develop and strengthen protective factors against gang involvement and other problem behaviors. It can be based in a school or community setting.”

    Successful applicants will include organizations, local school districts, and communities dealing with demonstrated gang problems who are a part of a community-wide strategy to combat gang activity, according to OJJDP.

    Grants of up to $500,000 over three years will be awarded. Application deadline is June 15. For more details, see the full grant announcement online.


    May 2009